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Human resources

Communication with and between employees happens first and foremost on the company's intranet, at staff meetings with the Managing Director and at events held by the company. The company’s intranet, Flugan, is designed as a social media service connecting employees. Everybody can make entries and upload pictures and videos they wish to share with their colleagues. Employees can also retrieve various tools and equipment to use in their work and manage registrations of events, training courses and entertainment within the company.

The staff association of Isavia and its subsidiaries, Staffið (the Staff), is responsible for a diverse and dynamic social life and organises numerous events for its members, such a family outing during the summer, a Christmas buffet, trips to the cinema and bowling. In addition, the association has negotiated discounts with various companies for its members. All employees are eligible for membership in Staffið. The company focuses on providing a good and family friendly working environment, effective education and training and positive morale.

The parent company Isavia employs a diverse group of staff at various workplaces across the country. At the end of 2018, there were 1,255 people in employment with the company, of which one-third were women. The average age of employees is 40.5 years, and the average length of service is 7.39 years.

Employee age range

Male Female
Younger than 30 years 196 142
30 - 50 years old 366 183
Older than 50 years 273 95

Years worked at Isavia

Years worked at Isavia
0-5 801
6-10 169
11-15 92
16-20 57
21-25 23
26-30 40
31-35 35
35+ 38

Gender Ratio management level

Manag. Director and Deputy Manag. Dir.731052 years
Department managers - step 220113150 years
Other managers - step 32653650 years
Total53197250 years

Staff turnover over the year was 15%. This rate varies across jobs and professional fields. The workforce is growing rapidly and 460 employees were recruited in the course of the year, of which some 300 were recruited for summer work.

Number of EMPLOYEES by age GROUPs

- 30 years385290
30 - 50 years292958
+ 50 years191130

Number of recently hired employees by age groups

- 30 years179167346
30 - 50 years4185
+ 50 years21627

Number of employees by type of recruitment

Permanent recruitment Temporary recruitment
Male 800 35
Female 392 28

Number of employees by employment ratio

Full time job Part time job
Male 764 71
Female 333 87

Video of Isavia's operations

Parental leave

A total of 91 employees took parental leave, of which 58% were male and 42% female. Everyone, except for three females, returned to work after maternity leave. Of the 69 who returned from maternity / paternity leave in 2017, 61 were still employed a year later. Five males and three females.

Number of employees on parental leave split by gender

Male 53
Female 38


Educational courses, refresher courses and regular training are part and parcel of everyday working life. Organised training and learning takes place all year round. The company organises extensive and ambitious educational activities with the goal of developing the knowledge and skills of employees in accordance with the policies and values of the company. This educational work can be divided into two categories: specialised learning and general learning.

2018 saw a total of 94,009 hours of learning activities, corresponding to 72 hours per employee over the year. Some 90% of these learning hours involved basic training, refresher courses and vocational and professional training required by staff to retain the necessary certification and skills for the jobs that they do, such as air navigation, airport security services and ground handling services. Staff in other Isavia departments and divisions also attend information meetings in Iceland and abroad to further their career development.

Employee interviews are a part of the career development of employees. Such interviews are intended to give the employee and his/her superior the opportunity to discuss tasks, possible problems and remedial actions. The employee interview is also an opportunity for the employee to influence their own working conditions, skills, career development and education.

Number of training hours by gender and field of work

DivisionMaleFemaleOverall training hoursAverage per employee
Air Navigation Services Division25.45318.78844.241135
Airports Divisions7.6327328.36469
KEF Operations Division24.5359.17033.70560
KEF Tech. and Property Division1.3994211.82019
KEF Commercial Division2.9861.6114.59842
Finance Division801672478
Human Res. and Performance18228146318
Development and Administr.20836657317


The company complies with laws and regulations on health and safety, human rights and child labour. The company does not employ persons under the age of eighteen, pays all public charges and does not employ persons to do undeclared work.

The notice of termination of employees is in accordance with the applicable collective wage agreement but varies according to length of service and age. The right to terminate employment is mutual, and all information is in writing.


The company’s Code of Ethics states that we should show respect for everybody’s work and that we do not discriminate against our colleagues or customers on the basis of gender, religion, beliefs, ethnic origin, race, colour, financial situation, origin, disability, age or on any other grounds.

In 2018, seven reports of bullying or sexual and/or gender-based harassment were received. These reports were processed according to company procedure. A specific initiative was launched to raise awareness of Isavia’s social environment among staff. More than 600 members of staff attended the meeting at which this initiative was presented. The market-research company Maskína also conducted a workplace analysis focusing on the company’s psychosocial environment. The findings of this analysis were presented to employees at a series of meetings.


Isavia’s equal rights programme aims to increase general work satisfaction and improve morale. The purpose of the programme is to ensure full equality between men and women in the workplace, with the goal of fully utilising staff abilities, energy and knowledge, free of gender-based discrimination.

The programme also tackles, among other things, the issue of equal pay, insisting that the utmost level of equality must be observed when setting wages. Employees shall enjoy equal pay and working conditions for the same or equally valuable work (IST 85), and the criteria used to determine pay shall not be gender discriminatory.

Isavia has for many years focused on the issue of equal pay and has won a gold medal in the PwC’s equal wage audit on three occasions.


Isavia has achieved equal pay certification, as endorsed by the Equal Opportunities Agency. The objective of adopting the equal pay system by means of an equal pay standard (IST 85:2012) is to maintain wage equality and fulfil the employer obligations laid down in Chapter III of Act No. 10/2008 on the Equal Position and Equal Rights of Women and Men. The company also undertakes to work on constant improvement in this field, monitor the relevant criteria and react to any deviations which may arise.


We focus on raising employee awareness of the importance of having a healthy lifestyle and thus show that the company cares for both the health and safety of its employees. The company’s aim is to support the psychological and physical well-being of its staff, provide them with a good working environment and meet their psychological, social and physical needs in the workplace. The company gives its staff financial support to take physical exercise.

Employees can contact the service desk of the Occupational Health Service and obtain advice on their own illness or that of family members. In addition, Occupational Health Service nurses hold regular consultations at the company’s largest operating units.


End of employment is considered to occur at the end of the month in which the employee reaches the age of seventy. Members of the Icelandic Air Traffic Controller Association, however, retire at the age of 63. The company offers an end-of-employment training course for those nearing retirement age, and their spouses are also invited. The course covers useful information and deals with this important career milestone. Fourteen employees participated in such a course in 2018.